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Edgar Lee Masters (Эдгар Ли Мастерс)

Ollie McGee

HAVE you seen walking through the village
A man with downcast eyes and haggard face?
That is my husband who, by secret cruelty
never to be told, robbed me of my youth and my beauty;
Till at last, wrinkled and with yellow teeth,
And with broken pride and shameful humility,
I sank into the grave.
But what think you gnaws at my husband's heart?
The face of what I was, the face of what he made me!
These are driving him to the place where I lie.
In death, therefore, I am avenged.

Edgar Lee Masters's other poems:
  1. Nellie Clark
  2. Father Malloy
  3. Flossie Cabanis
  4. The Spooniad
  5. Josiah Tompkins

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