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William Drummond (Уильям Драммонд)

* * *

LOOK how the flower which lingeringly doth fade,
The morning's darling late, the summer's queen,
Spoiled of that juice which kept it fresh and green,
As high as it did raise, bows low the head;
Right so my life, contentments being dead,
Or in their contraries but only seen,
With swifter speed declines than erst it spread,
And, blasted, scarce now shows what it hath been.
As doth the pilgrim, therefore, whom the night
By darkness would imprison on his way,
Think on thy home, my soul, and think aright
Of what yet rests thee of life's wasting day.
    Thy sun posts westward, passed is thy morn, 
    And twice it is not given thee to be born. 

William Drummond's other poems:
  1. Like the Idalian Queen
  2. Now While the Night Her Sable Veil Hath Spread
  3. For the Baptist
  4. Madrigal
  5. Who Hath Not Seen into Her Saffron Bed

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