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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Arthur Guiterman (Артур Гитерман)

The Chip on the Shoulder

LEARN this now before you are older:
Don’t go through life with a chip on your shoulder,
Always aggrieved and ever offended,
Fancying wrongs that are not intended.
Let not a sense of humor desert you,
Take it that nobody means to hurt you,
Find no insult in idle chatter,
Pass it over; it doesn’t matter.
Look for the best in everybody,
Value the wool, forget the shoddy;
Get in the habit of liking people.
Love is the spire on every steeple. 

Arthur Guiterman's other poems:
  1. Habits of the Hippopotamus
  2. The Traveler
  3. Strictly Germ-proof
  4. Sea Sickness
  5. The Legend of the First Cam-u-el

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