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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Ralph Waldo Emerson (Ральф Уолдо Эмерсон)


DEEP in the man sits fast his fate
To mould his fortunes, mean or great:
Unknown to Cromwell as to me
Was Cromwell's measure or degree;
Unknown to him as to his horse,
If he than his groom be better or worse.
He works, plots, fights, in rude affairs,
With squires, lords, kings, his craft compares,
Till late he learned, through doubt and fear,
Broad England harbored not his peer:
Obeying time, the last to own
The Genius from its cloudy throne.
For the prevision is allied
Unto the thing so signified;
Or say, the foresight that awaits
Is the same Genius that creates. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson's other poems:
  1. To Ellen at the South
  2. Hamatreya
  3. Guy
  4. Berrying
  5. Destiny

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • George MacDonald (Джордж Макдональд) Fate ("Oft, as I rest in quiet peace, am I")
  • Francis Bret Harte (Фрэнсис Брет Гарт) Fate ("The sky is clouded, the rocks are bare")

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