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Thomas Hardy (Томас Гарди (Харди))

A January Night


The rain smites more and more,
The east wind snarls and sneezes;
Through the joints of the quivering door
The water wheezes.

The tip of each ivy-shoot
Writhes on its neighbour’s face;
There is some hid dread afoot
That we cannot trace.

Is it the spirit astray
Of the man at the house below
Whose coffin they took in to-day?
We do not know.

Thomas Hardy's other poems:
  1. The End of the Episode
  2. Бартелемон из ВухоллаBarthelemon at Vauxhall
  3. The Young Churchwarden
  4. The Supplanter
  5. Nothing Matters Much

Темы стихотворения (Poem Themes): Night (Ночь), January (Январь)

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Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1822

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