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Aleister Crowley (Алистер Кроули)

An Oath

(An Oath written during the Dawn Meditation)

Aiwaz! Confirm my troth with thee! my will inspire
With secret sperm of subtle, free, creating Fire!
Mould thou my very flesh as Thine, renew my birth
In childhood merry as divine, enchanted earth!
Dissolve my rapture in Thine own, a sacred slaughter
Whereby to capture and atone the soul of water!
Fill thou my mind with gleaming Thought intense and rare
To One refined, outflung to naught, the Word of Air!
Most, bridal bound, my quintessential Form thus freeing
From self, be found one Selfhood blent in Spirit Being.

Aleister Crowley's other poems:
  1. The Five Adorations
  2. Prologue To Rodin In Rime
  3. The Buddhist
  4. On - On - Poet
  5. Au Bal

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