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William Butler Yeats (Уильям Батлер Йейтс)

A Dream of a Blessed Spirit

ALL the heavy days are over;
Leave the body's coloured pride
Underneath the grass and clover,
With the feet laid side by side.
One with her are mirth and duty;
Bear the gold-embroidered dress,
For she needs not her sad beauty,
To the scented oaken press.
Hers the kiss of Mother Mary,
The long hair is on her face;
Still she goes with footsteps wary
Full of earth's old timid grace.
With white feet of angels seven
Her white feet go glimmering;
And above the deep of heaven,
Flame on flame, and wing on wing.

William Butler Yeats's other poems:
  1. Мудрость приходит с годамиThe Coming of Wisdom with Time
  2. The Old Men Admiring Themselves in the Water
  3. The Ballad of Father Gilligan
  4. The Rose of Peace
  5. The Rose of the World

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