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Anne Hunter (Энн Хантер)

The Dirge of Amoret

WHY glide the hours so swift away,
When love and fortune shine?
Years seem'd but as a passing day,
When Amoret was mine.
Was mine ! sad sounds, ye ring my knell,
And bid to joy a long farewell!
Her voice could sooth the soul of care,
And lull despair to rest;
Why was she form'd divinely fair?
And why was I so bless'd?
So bless'd no more; I hear the knell,
Which bids the world a long farewell. 

Anne Hunter's other poems:
  1. Lelia, or, The Maniac's Song
  2. November, 1784
  3. To the Memory of a Lovely Infant, Written Seven Years after His Death
  4. Song 11. THE anguish of my bursting heart
  5. Laura

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