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Edith Nesbit (Эдит Несбит)

New Year

IN the coming year enfolded
Bright and sad hours lie,
Waiting till you reach and live them
As the year rolls by.

In the happy hours and radiant
I would like to be
Somewhere out of sight, forgotten,
Your delight to see.

But when you are tired and saddened,
Vexed with life, dismayed,
I would steal your grief, and lay it
Where my own is laid--

Bleed my heart out in your service
If, set free from pain,
You, through me, found life worth living,
Glad and fair again. 

Edith Nesbit's other poems:
  1. The Vault
  2. A Parting
  3. The Old Magic
  4. Chloe
  5. The Daisies

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