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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

James McIntyre (Джеймс Макинтайр)


England had triplets at a birth,
Coleridge, Southy and Wordsworth,
And these three were widely famed,
And the 'Lake Poets' they were named.
With joy they did pursue their themes,
'Mong England's lakes, and hills and streams;
From there with gladness they could view
The distant Scottish mountains blue. 

James McIntyre's other poems:
  1. Wars in Queen Victorias Reign
  2. Canadian Thames
  3. Elf Shot
  4. Tom Moore
  5. The Great Fire of Ingersoll

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Emily Pfeiffer (Эмили Пфайффер) Shelley ("THERE lies betwixt dead Pisa and the sea")
  • Henry Van Dyke (Генри Ван Дайк) Shelley ("Knight-errant of the Never-ending Quest")

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    Английская поэзия. Адрес для связи eng-poetry.ru@yandex.ru