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Francis Beaumont (Фрэнсис Бомонт)

Fie on Love

Now fie on foolish love, it not befits
Or man or woman know it.
Love was not meant for people in their wits,
And they that fondly show it
Betray the straw, and features in their brain,
And shall have Bedlam for their pain:
If simple love be such a curse,
To marry is to make it ten times worse. 

Francis Beaumont's other poems:
  1. A Funeral Elegy on the Death of the Lady Penelope Clifton
  2. Mr. Francis Beaumont's Letter to Ben Jonson
  3. Ad Comitissam Rutlandiæ
  4. To My Friend Mr. John Fletcher, upon His Faithful Sheperdess
  5. The Glance

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