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Gerald Massey (Джеральд Масси)

The Unbeloved

LIKE a tree beside the river
    Of her life that runs from me,
Do I lean me, murmuring ever
    My fond love's idolatry:
And I reach out hands of blessing,
    And I stretch out hands of prayer,
And with passionate caressing,
    Waste my life upon the air.
In my ears the Syren river
    Sings, and smiles up in my face;
But for ever and for ever
    Runs from my embrace.

Spring by spring, the branches duly
    Clothe themselves in tender Flower,
And for her sweet sake as truly
    All their fruit and fragrance shower;
But, the stream with careless laughter,
    Runs in merry beauty by,
And it leaves me yearning after—
    Lone to weep, and lone to die!
In my ears the Syren river
    Sings, and smiles up in my face;
But, for ever and for ever,
    Runs from my embrace.

I stand 'mazèd in the moonlight,
    O'er its happy face to dream!
I am parched in the noonlight,
    By that cool and brimming stream!
I am dying by the river
    Of her life that runs from me!
While it sparkles by me ever
    With its cool felicity!
In my ears the Syren river
    Sings, and smiles up in my face;
But, for ever and for ever,
    Runs from my embrace.

Gerald Massey's other poems:
  1. The Chivalry of Labour
  2. Long Expected
  3. The Singer
  4. Down in Australia
  5. The Deserter from the Cause

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