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Thomas Parnell (Томас Парнелл)

* * *

Hark the thundring Drums inviting
All our forward youth to arms
Hark the trumpets sounds exciting
Manly Soules with fierce alarms
Peace affords an Idle pleasure
Glory shines an active flame
Life has but too short a Measure
Strive to make it long by fame.
See the brave by boldly daring
Raises trophys of the slain
See the brave by nothing fearing
Comes in triumph back again
The Men admire the Women love him
Fortune favours all he does
The Powrs that bless the great approve him
Praise & Lawrell crown his brows. 

Thomas Parnell's other poems:
  1. The Convert's Love
  2. When Ore My Temples Balmy Vapours Rise
  3. Martial
  4. On the Death of Mr. Viner
  5. Habakkuk

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