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Charles Lamb (Чарльз Лэм)

Lines Suggested by a Sight of Waltham Cross

Time-mouldering crosses, gemmed with imagery
Of costliest work and Gothic tracery,
Point still the spot, to hallowed Wedlock dear,
Where rested on its solemn way the bier
That bore the bones of Edward's Elinor
To mix with Royal dust at Westminster.
Far different rites did thee to dust consign,
Duke Brunswick's daughter, princely Caroline:
A hurrying funeral, and a banished grave,
High-minded Wife, were all that thou couldst have.
Grieve not, great Ghost, nor count in death in losses;
Thou in thy life-time hadst thy share of crosses.

Charles Lamb's other poems:
  1. Love, Death, and Reputation
  2. Incorrect Speaking
  3. Wasps in a Garden
  4. Lines Addressed to Lieut. R.W.H. Hardy, R.N.
  5. Good Temper

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