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Francis Ledwidge (Фрэнсис Ледвидж)

Lady Fair

Lady fair, have we not met
In our lives elsewhere?
Darkling in my mind to-night
Faint fair faces dare
Memory's old unfaithfulness
To what was true and fair.
Long of memory is Regret,
But what Regret has taken flight
Through my memory's silences?
Lo! I turn it to the light.
'Twas but a pleasure in distress,
Too faint and far off for redress.
But some light glancing in your hair
And in the liquid of your eyes
Seem to murmur old good-byes
In our lives elsewhere.
Have we not met. Lady fair? 

Francis Ledwidge's other poems:
  1. The Lost Ones
  2. A Mother's Song
  3. At Currabwee
  4. Thoughts at the Trysting Stile
  5. To a Sparrow

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