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Francis Ledwidge (Фрэнсис Ледвидж)

After Court Martial

My mind is not my mind, therefore
I take no heed of what men say,
I lived ten thousand years before
God cursed the town of Nineveh.

The Present is a dream I see
Of horror and loud sufferings,
At dawn a bird will waken me
Unto my place among the kings.

And though men called me a vile name,
And all my dream companions gone,
Tis I the soldier bears the shame,
Not I the king of Babylon. 

Francis Ledwidge's other poems:
  1. The Lost Ones
  2. A Mother's Song
  3. Thoughts at the Trysting Stile
  4. The Little Children
  5. Lament for Thomas Mcdonagh

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