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Richard Lovelace (Ричард Лавлейс)

To Lucasta, I Laugh And Sing


I laugh and sing, but cannot tell
Whether the folly on't sounds well;
But then I groan,
Methinks, in tune;
Whilst grief, despair and fear dance to the air
Of my despised prayer.


A pretty antick love does this,
Then strikes a galliard with a kiss;
As in the end
The chords they rend;
So you but with a touch from your fair hand
Turn all to saraband. 

Richard Lovelace's other poems:
  1. When I by Thy Faire Shape Did Sweare
  2. Gratiana Dancing And Singing
  3. A Mock Song
  4. The Scrutinie
  5. Upon the Curtain of Lucasta's Picture, It was Thus Wrought

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