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Francis Quarles (Фрэнсис Куорлс)

On Change of Weather

And were it for thy profit, to obtain
All sunshine? No vicissitude of rain?
Think'st thou that thy laborious plough requires
Not winter frosts as well as summer fires?
There must be both: sometimes these hearts of ours
Must have the sweet, the seasonable showers
Of tears; sometimes the frost of chill despair
Makes our desired sunshine seem more fair;
Weathers that most oppose the flesh and blood
Are such as help to make our harvest good.
We may not choose, great God: it is thy task;
We know not what to have, nor how to ask 

Francis Quarles's other poems:
  1. Hos Ego Versiculos
  2. On the Infancy of Our Savior
  3. Delight In God Only
  4. The Loadstone
  5. Respice Finem

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