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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Arthur William Symons (Артур Саймонс (Симонс))


May we not love as others do,
Dearest, because we love,
A mistress I, a husband you?
Nay, our delights must prove
Either the double or the part
Of those who love with single heart.

Sweet friend, I find not any wrong
In your divided soul;
Nor you, that mine should not belong
Entire to one control.
Let simple lovers if they will
Contemn us, we outwit them still.

For small and poor and cold indeed
Is any heart that can
Hold but the measure of the need,
The joy, of any man.
Both spare and prodigal were we,
To love but you, to love but me.

Arthur William Symons's other poems:
  1. Serata Di Fiesta
  2. In The Temple
  3. By The Pool Of The Third Rosses
  4. The Abandoned
  5. At Burgos

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Lewis Carroll (Льюис Кэрролл) Madrigal ("HE shouts amain, he shouts again")
  • William Drummond (Уильям Драммонд) Madrigal ("TRITONS, which bounding dive")

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