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Caroline Lamb (Каролина Лэм)

* * *

Would I had seen thee dead and cold,
In thy lone grave asleep,
Than live, thy falsehood to behold,
And penitent to weep:
For better, I thy grave could see,
Than know that thou art false to me!

Or rather, would that I had died,
When happy on thy breast-
My love had then been satisfied,
And life's last moments blest,
For they taste bliss without alloy,
Who die in the sweet dream of joy!

But no! I feel the fault was mine,
To think affection's chain
Could thy proud wayward heart confine,
When honor's claim was vain:
Who robs the shrine where virtue lies,
Will not the stolen relic prize! 

Caroline Lamb's other poems:
  1. After Many A Well-Fought Day
  2. Lines to Harriet Wilson
  3. Sing Not For Others But For Me
  4. Amidst the Flowers Rich and Gay
  5. Weep For What Thou'st Lost

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