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Caroline Lamb (Каролина Лэм)

* * *

My heart's fit to break, yet no tear fills my eye,
As I gaze on the moon, and the clouds that flit by;
The moon shines so fair, it reminds me of thee,
But the clouds that obscure it are emblems of me.

They will pass like the dreams of our pleasures and youth,
They will pass like the promise of honor and truth,
And bright thou shalt shine when these shadows are gone,
All radiant, serene, unobscur'd-but alone. 

Caroline Lamb's other poems:
  1. After Many A Well-Fought Day
  2. Lines to Harriet Wilson
  3. Sing Not For Others But For Me
  4. Amidst the Flowers Rich and Gay
  5. Weep For What Thou'st Lost

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