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Aleister Crowley (Алистер Кроули)

The Twins

Dedicated to Austin Osman Spare

Have pity! show no pity!
Those eyes that send such shivers
Into my brain and spine : oh let them
Flame like the ancient city
Swallowed up by the sulphurous rivers
When men let angels fret them!

Yea ! let the south wind blow,
And the Turkish banner advance,
And the word go out : No quarter!
But I shall hod thee -so !
While the boys and maidens dance
About the shambles of slaughter!

I know thee who thou art,
The inmost fiend that curlest
Thy vampire tounge about
Earth's corybantic heart,
Hell's warrior that whirlest
The darts of horror and doubt!

Thou knowest me who I am
The inmost soul and saviour
Of man ; what hieroglyph
Of the dragon and the lamb
Shall thou and I engrave here
On Time's inscandescable cliff?

Look ! in the plished granite,
Black as thy cartouche is with sins,
I read the searing sentence
That blasts the eyes that scan it:
"HOOR and SET be TWINS."
A fico for repentance!

Ay ! O Son of my mother
That snarled and clawed in her womb
As now we rave in our rapture,
I know thee, I love thee, brother!
Incestuous males that consumes
The light and the life that we capture.

Starve thou the soul of the world,
Brother, as I the body !
Shall we not glut our lust
On these wretches whom Fate hath hurled
To a hell of jesus and shoddy,
Dung and ethics and dust?

Thou as I art Fate.
Coe then, conquer and kiss me!
Come ! what hinders? Believe me:
This is the thought we await.
The mark is fair ; can you miss me?

See, how subtly I writhe!
Strange runes and unknown sigils
I trace in the trance that thrills us.
Death ! how lithe, how blithe
Are these male incestuous vigils!
Ah ! this is the spasm that kills us!

Wherefore I solemnly affirm
This twofold Oneness at the term.
Asar on Asi did beget
Horus twin brother unto Set.
Now Set and Horus kiss, to call
The Soul of the Unnatural
Forth from the dusk ; then nature slain
Lets the Beyond be born again.

This weird is of the tongue of Khem,
The Conjuration used of them.
Whoso shall speak it, let him die,
His bowels rotting inwardly,
Save he uncover and caress
The God that lighteth his liesse. 

Aleister Crowley's other poems:
  1. The Five Adorations
  2. Prologue To Rodin In Rime
  3. The Buddhist
  4. On - On - Poet
  5. Au Bal

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Robert Browning (Роберт Браунинг) The Twins ("Grand rough old Martin Luther")
  • Robert Service (Роберт Сервис) The Twins ("There were two brothers, John and James")
  • Henry Leigh (Генри Ли) The Twins ("IN FORM and feature, face and limb")

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