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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Charles Kingsley (Чарльз Кингсли)

The Watchman

'Watchman, what of the night?'
'The stars are out in the sky;
And the merry round moon will be rising soon,
For us to go sailing by.'

'Watchman, what of the night?'
'The tide flows in from the sea;
There's water to float a little cockboat
Will carry such fishers as we.'

'Watchman, what of the night?'
'The night is a fruitful time;
When to many a pair are born children fair,
To be christened at morning chime.'

Charles Kingsley's other poems:
  1. Down to the Mothers
  2. The Poetry of a Root Crop
  3. The Dead Church
  4. The Three Fishers
  5. The Last Buccaneer

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Lucy Montgomery (Люси Монтгомери) The Watchman ("My Claudia, it is long since we have met")
  • Ada Cambridge (Cross) (Ада Кембридж (Кросс)) The Watchman ("Through jewelled windows in the walls")

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