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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Ernest Christopher Dowson (Эрнест Кристофер Доусон)

To a Lost Love

I seek no more to bridge the gulf that lies
Betwixt our separate ways;
For vainly my heart prays,
Hope droops her head and dies;
I see the sad, tired answer in your eyes.

I did not heed, and yet the stars were clear;
Dreaming that love could mate
Lives grown so separate;--
But at the best, my dear,
I see we should not have been very near.

I knew the end before the end was nigh:
The stars have grown so plain;
Vainly I sigh, in vain
For things that come to some,
But unto you and me will never come. 

Ernest Christopher Dowson's other poems:
  1. Epigram
  2. The Sea-Change
  3. Vain Hope
  4. In a Breton Cemetery
  5. Amantium Irae

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Lewis Morris (Льюис Моррис) To a Lost Love ("COLD snowdrops which the shrinking new-born year")
  • Stephen Phillips (Стивен Филлипс) To a Lost Love ("I cannot look upon thy grave")

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