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John Bunyan (Джон Баньян)

The Operation of Faith

The word of faith unto me pardon brings,
Shows me the ground and reason whence it springs:

To wit, free grace, which moved God to give
His Son to die and bleed, that I might live

This word doth also loudly preach to me,
Though I a miserable sinner be,

Yet in this Son of God I stand complete,
Whose righteousness is without all deceit;

'Tis that which God himself delighteth in,
And that by which all his have saved been. 

John Bunyan's other poems:
  1. Love Inducin Christian Conduct
  2. To the Reader
  3. Of the Boy and the Butterfly
  4. Upon the Thief
  5. Author's Apology for His Book

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