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William Morris (Уильям Моррис)

Another For The Briar-Rose

O treacherous scent, O thorny sight,
O tangle of world’s wrong and right,
What art thou ’gainst my armour’s gleam
But dusky cobwebs of a dream?

Beat down, deep sunk from every gleam
Of hope, they lie and dully dream;
Men once, but men no more, that Love
Their waste defeated hearts should move.

Here sleeps the world that would not love!
Let it sleep on, but if He move
Their hearts in humble wise to wait
On his new-wakened fair estate.

O won at last is never late!
Thy silence was the voice of fate;
Thy still hands conquered in the strife;
Thine eyes were light; thy lips were life.

William Morris's other poems:
  1. On The Edge Of The Wilderness
  2. The Flowering Orchard
  3. Sad-Eyed and Soft and Grey
  4. Pain And Time Strive Not
  5. The King Of Denmark's Sons

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