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John Henry Newman (Джон Генри Ньюмен)

Christmas without Christ

HOW can I keep my Christmas feast
In its due festive show,
Reft of the sight of the High Priest
From whom its glories flow?

I hear the tuneful bells around,
The blessèd towers I see;
A stranger on a foreign ground,
They peal a fast for me.

O Britons! now so brave and high,
How will ye weep the day
When Christ in judgment passes by,
And calls the Bride away!

Your Christmas then will lose its mirth,
Your Easter lose its bloom:
Abroad, a scene of strife and dearth;
Within, a cheerless home! 

John Henry Newman's other poems:
  1. Flowers without Fruit
  2. Hymn to Lauds Sunday
  3. Reverses
  4. The Elements
  5. Opusculum

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