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Percy Bysshe Shelley (Перси Биши Шелли)

Wine Of The Fairies

I am drunk with the honey wine
Of the moon-unfolded eglantine,
Which fairies catch in hyacinth bowls.
The bats, the dormice, and the moles
Sleep in the walls or under the sward
Of the desolate castle yard;
And when ’tis spilt on the summer earth
Or its fumes arise among the dew,
Their jocund dreams are full of mirth,
They gibber their joy in sleep; for few
Of the fairies bear those bowls so new! 

Percy Bysshe Shelley's other poems:
  1. I Would Not Be A King
  2. The Spectral Horseman
  3. The Solitary
  4. The Fitful Alternations of the Rain
  5. From the Arabic, an Imitation

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