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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Edward Thomas (Эдвард Томас)


Gone the wild day:
A wilder night
Coming makes way
For brief twilight.

Where the firm soaked road
Mounts and is lost
In the high beech-wood
It shines almost.

The beeches keep
A stormy rest,
Breathing deep
Of wind from the west.

The wood is black,
With a misty steam.
Above, the cloud pack
Breaks for one gleam.

But the woodman's cot
By the ivied trees
Awakens not
To light or breeze.

It smokes aloft
It hunches soft
Under storm's wing.

It has no care
For gleam or gloom:
It stays there
While I shall roam,

Die, and forget
The hill of trees,
The gleam, the wet,
This roaring peace. 

Edward Thomas's other poems:
  1. May 23
  2. Some Eyes Condemn
  3. The Manor Farm
  4. If I Were to Own
  5. Bright Clouds

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