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George MacDonald (Джордж Макдональд)

A Dream Song

I dreamed of a song-I heard it sung;
In the ear of my soul its strange notes rung.
What were its words I could not tell,
Only the voice I heard right well,
For its tones unearthly my spirit bound
In a calm delirium of mystic sound-
Held me floating, alone and high,
Placeless and silent, drinking my fill
Of dews that from cloudless skies distil
On desert places that thirst and sigh.
'Twas a woman's voice, deep calling to deep,
Rousing old echoes that all day sleep
In cavern and solitude, each apart,
Here and there in the waiting heart;-
A voice with a wild melodious cry
Reaching and longing afar and high.
Sorrowful triumph, and hopeful strife,
Gainful death, and new-born life,
Thrilled in each note of the prophet-song.
In my heart it said: O Lord, how long
Shall we groan and travail and faint and pray,
Ere thy lovely kingdom bring the day! 

George MacDonald's other poems:
  1. The Gospel Women. 16. The Woman That Was a Sinner
  2. The Gospel Women. 3. The Mother of Zebedee's Children
  3. Concerning Jesus
  4. A Memorial of Africa
  5. The Gospel Women. 7. The Woman Who Came behind Him in the Crowd

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