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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Edward Lear (Эдвард Лир)

* * *

Cold are the crabs that crawl on yonder hills,
Colder the cucumbers that grow beneath,
And colder still the brazen chops that wreathe
The tedious gloom of philosophic pills!
For when the tardy film of nectar fills
The simple bowls of demons and of men,
There lurks the feeble mouse, the homely hen,
And there the porcupine with all her quills.
Yet much remains - to weave a solemn strain
That lingering sadly - slowly dies away,
Daily departing with departing day
A pea-green gamut on a distant plain
When wily walrusses in congresses meet -
Such such is life.

Edward Lear's other poems:
  1. Девице из БиаррицаThere Was a Young Person in Pink
  2. Только боб да горошина, КэтThere Was an Old Person of Dean
  3. Как-то раз Корифей МедициныThere Was an Old Man of Dunluce
  4. Почтальон бушевал у курятникаThere Was an Old Man Who Said, “Well!
  5. Старичок, уроженец ГранадыThere Was an Old Man in a Barge

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Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1753

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