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Edward Herbert (Эдуард Герберт (Херберт))

To Her Face

Fatal Aspect! that hast an Influence
    More powerful far than those Immortal Fires
That but incline the Will and move the Sense,
    Which thou alone contrain'st, kindling Desires
    Of such an holy force, as more inspires
The Soul with Knowledge, than Experience
    Or Revelation can do with all
Their borrow'd helps: Sacred Astonishment
    Sits on thy Brow, threatning a sudden fall
To all those Thoughts that are not lowly sent,
In wonder and amaze, dazling that Eye
    Which on those Mysteries doth rudely gaze,
Vow'd only unto Love's Divinity:
    Sure Adam sinn'd not in that spotless Face. 

Edward Herbert's other poems:
  1. Epitaph on King James
  2. Ditty in Imitation of the Spanish Entre Tanto Que L'Avril
  3. To Her Hair
  4. Upon Combing Her Hair
  5. Ditty

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