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Thomas Lovell Beddoes (Томас Беддоус)

* * *

LET dew the flowers fill;
No need of fell despair,
Though to the grave you bear
One still of soul-but now too still,
One fair-but now too fair.
For, beneath your feet, the mound,
And the waves, that play around,
Have meaning in their grassy, and their watery, smiles;
And, with a thousand sunny wiles,
Each says, as he reproves,
Death's arrow oft is Love's. 

Thomas Lovell Beddoes's other poems:
  1. Resurrection Song
  2. Song on the Water
  3. Yes, Mary Ann
  4. Lines Written in a Blank Leaf of the ‘Prometheus Unbound’
  5. The Rosy Hour

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