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Edmund William Gosse (Эдмунд Госс)

A Winter Jingle

THE soft wind blows
Across the snows,
And turns the palest face to rose;
The wind it goes
Where no one knows,
Like water round the world it flows;
The sunlit air is warm and light
Though all the earth be wrapped in white.

But owlets shrill
Shriek round the hill
When twilight fades, and all is still;
The keen gusts fill
The frozen rill
With treacherous snowdrifts deep and chill;
The wanderer findeth small delight
In crossing there at dead of night. 

Edmund William Gosse's other poems:
  1. The Mænad's Grave
  2. At the Play
  3. With a Copy of Herrick
  4. The Bath
  5. Alere Flammam

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Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1896

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