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Bliss Carman (Блисс Кармен)

Daffodil's Return

What matter if the sun be lost?
What matter though the sky be gray?
There's joy enough about the house,
For Daffodil comes home to-day.

There's news of swallows on the air,
There's word of April on the way,
They're calling flowers within the street,
And Daffodil comes home to-day.

O who would care what fate may bring,
Or what the years may take away!
There's life enough within the hour,
For Daffodil comes home to-day.

Bliss Carman's other poems:
  1. The Urban Pan
  2. Fireflies
  3. The Path to Sankoty
  4. White Iris
  5. The Sailing of the Fleets

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