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Aldous Huxley (Олдос Хаксли)

A Little Memory

White in the moonlight,
Wet with dew,
We have known the languor
Of being two.

We have been weary
As children are,
When over them, radiant,
A stooping star,

Bends their Good-Night,
Kissed and smiled:--
Each was mother,
Each was child.

Child, from your forehead
I kissed the hair,
Gently, ah, gently:
And you were

Mistress and mother
When on your breast
I lay so safely
And could rest.

Aldous Huxley's other poems:
  1. Out of the Window
  2. The Flowers
  3. The Alien
  4. The Elms
  5. The Reef

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