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Robert Laurence Binyon (Роберт Лоренс Биньон)

The Porch of Stars

As in a porch of stars we stand; the night
Throbs through us, O Love, with its worlds of light,
And mingles us in glory of one breath,
One infinite ignorance of Time and Death.
Behold, I am dyed in you, and you in me;
We are the colours of infinity,
We are two flames that are one flame,
We are but Love, and have no name.
But did we part, O Love, if we could part,
The very blood were taken from my heart,
Time and Death would ride the night
Then, and ended were all light,
The stream of stars would fall like stone
And heaven's utmost height be darkened,
And we be lost, like dust that's blown,
Like a cry, where none has hearkened.

Robert Laurence Binyon's other poems:
  1. Numbers
  2. Gallipoli
  3. Angkor
  4. The Healers
  5. The Woods Entry

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