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Arthur Guiterman (Артур Гитерман)

In the Hospital

Because on the branch that is tapping my pane
A sun-wakened leaf-bud, uncurled,
Is bursting its rusty brown sheathing in twain,
I know there is Spring in the world.

Because through the sky-patch whose azure and white
My window frames all the day long,
A yellow-bird dips for an instant of flight,
I know there is Song.

Because even here in this Mansion of Woe
Where creep the dull hours, leaden-shod,
Compassion and Tenderness aid me, I know
There is God.

Arthur Guiterman's other poems:
  1. Habits of the Hippopotamus
  2. The Traveler
  3. Strictly Germ-proof
  4. Sea Sickness
  5. The Legend of the First Cam-u-el

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