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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

William Winter (Уильям Винтер)


Set your face to the sea, fond lover,—
Cold in the darkness the sea-winds blow!
Waves and clouds and the night will cover
All your passion and all your woe:
Sobbing waves, and the death within them,
Sweet as the lips that once you prest—
Pray that your hopeless heart may win them!
Pray that your weary life may rest!

Set your face to the stars, fond lover,—
Calm, and silent, and bright, and true!—
They will pity you, they will hover
Softly over the deep for you.
Winds of heaven will sigh your dirges,
Tears of heaven for you be spent,
And sweet for you will the murmuring surges
Pour the wail of their low lament.

Set your face to the lonely spaces,
Vast and gaunt, of the midnight sky!
There, with the drifting cloud, your place is,
There with the griefs that cannot die.
Love is a mocking fiend's derision,
Peace a phantom, and faith a snare!
Make the hope of your heart a vision—
Look to heaven, and find it there!

William Winter's other poems:
  1. Adelaide Neilson
  2. Lester Wallack
  3. Unwritten Poems
  4. My Queen
  5. Asleep

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • George Russell (Джордж Расселл) Refuge ("TWILIGHT, a timid fawn, went glimmering by")
  • Emily Dickinson (Эмили Дикинсон) Refuge ("The clouds their backs together laid")

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