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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

William Winter (Уильям Винтер)


He knelt beside her pillow, in the dead watch of the night,
And he heard her gentle breathing, but her face was still and white,
And on her poor, wan cheek a tear told how the heart can weep,
And he said, "My love was weary--God bless her! she's asleep."

He knelt beside her gravestone in the shuddering autumn night,        
And he heard the dry grass rustle, and his face was thin and white,
And through his heart the tremor ran of grief that cannot weep,
And he said, "My love was weary--God bless her! she's asleep."

William Winter's other poems:
  1. Adelaide Neilson
  2. Lester Wallack
  3. Unwritten Poems
  4. My Queen
  5. Arthur: (1872–1886)

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Wilfred Owen (Уилфред Оуэн) Asleep ("Under his helmet, up against his pack")
  • Ella Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс) Asleep ("Come closer, she said") 1869
  • Albert Laighton (Альберт Лейтон) Asleep ("Half veiled by the delaying twilight, lies")

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