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William Collins (Уильям Коллинз)

Agib and Secander; or, The Fugitives

  SCENE, A mountain in Circassia.
  TIME, Midnight.

  In fair Circassia, where, to love inclined,
  Each swain was blest, for every maid was kind;
  At that still hour, when awful midnight reigns,
  And none, but wretches, haunt the twilight plains;
  What time the moon had hung her lamp on high, 
  And past in radiance through the cloudless sky;
  Sad, o'er the dews, two brother shepherds fled,
  Where wildering fear and desperate sorrow led:
  Fast as they press'd their flight, behind them lay
  Wide ravaged plains, and valleys stole away: 
  Along the mountain's bending sides they ran,
  Till, faint and weak, Secander thus began.


    O stay thee, Agib, for my feet deny,
  No longer friendly to my life, to fly.
  Friend of my heart, O turn thee and survey! 
  Trace our sad flight through all its length of way
  And first review that long extended plain,
  And yon wide groves, already past with pain!
  Yon ragged cliff, whose dangerous path we tried!
  And, last, this lofty mountain's weary side! 


    Weak as thou art, yet, hapless, must thou know
  The toils of flight, or some severer woe!
  Still, as I haste, the Tartar shouts behind,
  And shrieks and sorrows load the saddening wind:
  In rage of heart, with ruin in his hand,  
  He blasts our harvests, and deforms our land.
  Yon citron grove, whence first in fear we came,
  Droops its fair honors to the conquering flame:
  Far fly the swains, like us, in deep despair,
  And leave to ruffian bands their fleecy care. 


    Unhappy land, whose blessings tempt the sword,
  In vain, unheard, thou call'st thy Persian lord!
  In vain thou court'st him, helpless, to thine aid,
  To shield the shepherd, and protect the maid!
  Far off, in thoughtless indolence resign'd, 
  Soft dreams of love and pleasure soothe his mind:
  'Midst fair sultanas lost in idle joy,
  No wars alarm him, and no fears annoy.


    Yet these green hills, in summer's sultry heat,
  Have lent the monarch oft a cool retreat.  
  Sweet to the sight is Zabran's flowery plain,
  And once by maids and shepherds loved in vain!
  No more the virgins shall delight to rove
  By Sargis' banks, or Irwan's shady grove;
  On Tarkie's mountain catch the cooling gale, 
  Or breathe the sweets of Aly's flowery vale:
  Fair scenes! but, ah! no more with peace possest,
  With ease alluring, and with plenty blest!
  No more the shepherds' whitening tents appear,
  Nor the kind products of a bounteous year; 
  No more the date, with snowy blossoms crown'd!
  But ruin spreads her baleful fires around.


    In vain Circassia boasts her spicy groves,
  For ever famed for pure and happy loves:
  In vain she boasts her fairest of the fair,  
  Their eyes' blue languish, and their golden hair!
  Those eyes in tears their fruitless grief must send;
  Those hairs the Tartar's cruel hand shall rend.


    Ye Georgian swains, that piteous learn from far
  Circassia's ruin, and the waste of war;  
  Some weightier arms than crooks and staves prepare,
  To shield your harvests, and defend your fair:
  The Turk and Tartar like designs pursue,
  Fix'd to destroy, and steadfast to undo.
  Wild as his land, in native deserts bred, 
  By lust incited, or by malice led,
  The villain Arab, as he prowls for prey,
  Oft marks with blood and wasting flames the way;
  Yet none so cruel as the Tartar foe,
  To death inured, and nurst in scenes of woe. 

    He said; when loud along the vale was heard
  A shriller shriek, and nearer fires appear'd:
  The affrighted shepherds, through the dews of night,
  Wide o'er the moonlight hills renew'd their flight.

William Collins's other poems:
  1. Abra; or, The Georgian Sultana
  2. Selim; or, The Shepherd's Moral
  3. Ode to Simplicity
  4. The Manners
  5. Ode to Fear

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