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Samuel Rogers (Сэмюэл Роджерс) Italy: 50. Genoa This house was Andrea Doria's. Here he lived; And here at eve relaxing, when ashore, Held many a pleasant, many a grave discourse With them that sought him, walking to and fro As on his deck. 'Tis less in length and breadth Than many a cabin in a ship of war; But 'tis of marble, and at once inspires The reverence due to ancient dignity. He left it for a better; and 'tis now A house of trade, the meanest merchandise Cumbering its floors. Yet, fallen as it is, 'Tis still the noblest dwelling -- even in Genoa! And hadst thou, Andrea, lived there to the last, Thou hadst done well; for there is that without, That in the wall, which monarchs could not give, Nor thou take with thee, that which says aloud, It was thy Country's gift to her Deliverer. 'Tis in the heart of Genoa (he who comes, Must come on foot) and in a place of stir; Men on their daily business, early and late, Thronging thy very threshold. But, when there, Thou wert among thy fellow-citizens, Thy children, for they hailed thee as their sire; And on a spot thou must have loved, for there, Calling them round, thou gav'st them more than life, Giving what, lost, makes life not worth the keeping. There thou didst do indeed an act divine; Nor couldst thou leave thy door or enter in, Without a blessing on thee. Thou art now Again among them. Thy brave mariners. They who had fought so often by thy side, Staining the mountain-billows, bore thee back; And thou art sleeping in thy funeral-chamber. Thine was a glorious course; but couldst thou there, Clad in thy cere-cloth -- in that silent vault, Where thou art gathered to thy ancestors -- Open thy secret heart and tell us all, Then should we hear thee with a sigh confess, A sigh how heavy, that thy happiest hours Were passed before these sacred walls were left, Before the ocean-wave thy wealth reflected, And pomp and power drew envy, stirring up The ambitious man, that in a perilous hour Fell from the plank. Samuel Rogers's other poems:
Темы стихотворения (Poem Themes): Italy (Италия), Cities of Italy (Города Италии) ![]() Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1339 |
Английская поэзия. Адрес для связи eng-poetry.ru@yandex.ru |