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Carolyn Wells (Кэролин Уэллс)

A Day Dream

Polly's patchwork--oh, dear me!--
Truly is a sight to see.
Rumpled, crumpled, soiled, and frayed--
Will the quilt be ever made?
See the stitches yawning wide--
Can it be that Polly tried?

Some are right and some are wrong,
Some too short and some too long,
Some too loose and some too tight;
Grimy smudges on the white,
And a tiny spot of red,
Where poor Polly's finger bled.
Strange such pretty, dainty blocks--
Bits of Polly's summer frocks--
Should have proved so hard to sew,
And the cause of so much woe!

One day it was very hot,
And the thread got in a knot,
Drew the seam up in a heap--
Polly calmly fell asleep.
Then she had a lovely dream;
Straight and even was the seam,
Pure and spotless was the white;
All the blocks were finished quite--
Each joined to another one.
Lo, behold! the quilt was done,--
Lined and quilted,--and it seemed
To cover Polly as she dreamed!

Carolyn Wells's other poems:
  1. The Musical Carp
  2. Dorothy's Opinion
  3. Opulent Ollie
  4. Bobby's Pocket
  5. The New Cup

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Samuel Coleridge (Сэмюэл Кольридж) A Day Dream ("My eyes make pictures when they're shut")
  • Emily Brontë (Эмили Бронте) A Day Dream ("On a sunny brae, alone I lay")
  • Henry Alford (Генри Элфорд) A Day Dream ("Leave love, leave life:-our moments are made up")

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