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Christopher Pearse Cranch (Кристофер Пирс Крэнч)

The Two Dreams

I MET one in the Land of Sleep
Who seemed a friend long known and true.
I woke. That friend I could not keep —
For him I never knew.
Yet there was one in life's young morn
Loved me, I thought, as I loved him.
Slow from that trance I waked forlorn,
To find his love grown dim.
He by whose side in dreams I ranged,
Unknown by name, my friend still seems;
While he I knew so well has changed.
So both were only dreams.

Christopher Pearse Cranch's other poems:
  1. A Word to Philosophers
  2. Sonnet 16. The Microscope
  3. In the Forest of Fontainebleau
  4. The Pines and the Sea
  5. Sonnet 39. Bayard Taylor

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