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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

George Moses Horton (Джордж Мозес Хортон)

On the Death of an Infant

Blest Babe! it at length has withdrawn,
The Seraphs have rock'd it to sleep;
Away with an angelic smile it has gone,
And left a sad parent to weep!

It soars from the ocean of pain,
On breezes of precious perfume;
O be not discouraged when death is but gain--
The triumph of life from the tomb.

With pleasure I thought it my own,
And smil'd on its infantile charms;
But some mystic bird, like an eagle, came down,
And snatch'd it away from my arms.

Blest Babe, it ascends into Heaven,
It mounts with delight at the call;
And flies to the bosom from whence it was given,
The Parent and Patron of all.

George Moses Horton's other poems:
  1. The Powers of Love
  2. The Fate of an Innocent Dog
  3. To a Departing Favorite
  4. George Moses Horton, Myself
  5. Meditation on a Cold, Dark, and Rainy Night

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Lucretia Davidson (Лукреция Дэвидсон) On the Death of an Infant ("Sweet child, and hast thou gone, for ever fled!")

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