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Thomas Osborne Davis (Томас Осборн Дэвис)

My Land


She is a rich and rare land;
Oh! she's a fresh and fair land;
She is a dear and rare land--
    This native land of mine.


No men than her's are braver--
Her women's hearts ne'er waver;
I'd freely die to save her,
    And think my lot divine.


She's not a dull or cold land;
No! she's a warm and bold land;
Oh! she's a true and old land--
    This native land of mine.


Could beauty ever guard her,
And virtue still reward her,
No foe would cross her border--
    No friend within it pine!


Oh! she's a fresh and fair land;
Oh! she's a true and rare land;
Yes! she's a rare and fair land--
    This native land of mine.

Thomas Osborne Davis's other poems:
  1. When South Winds Blow
  2. The Boatman of Kinsale
  3. We Must Not Fail
  4. Emmeline Talbot
  5. The Green above the Red

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Edgar Guest (Эдгар Гест) My Land ("My land is where the kind folks are")

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