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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Henry Livingston (Генри Ливингстон)

Catharine Livingston

Her little bark on Life's wide Ocean tossed,
In the unequal struggle soon was lost,
Severe its conflict! Much alas it bore,
Then sunk beneath the storm and rose no more.
But when th' Archangels clarion shall sound,
And thunder "LIFE" through all the vast profound,
Her renovated vessel will be seen,
Transcendent floating on the stream!
The joyful ensigns waving in the air!
The tides propitious and the zephyrs fair,
Till safe within the destined Port of Bliss,
The anchor drops in everlasting PEACE.

Henry Livingston's other poems:
  1. To the Memory of Sarah Livingston
  2. Acknowledgement
  3. Letter Sent to Master Timmy Dwight
  4. Apostrophe
  5. The Vine & Oak

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