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Anna Seward (Анна Сьюард)

Sonnet 66. Nobly to scorn thy gilded veil to wear

Nobly to scorn thy gilded veil to wear,
    Soft Simulation!—wisely to abstain
    From fostering Envy's asps;—to dash the bane
    Far from our hearts, which Hate, with frown severe,
Extends for those who wrong us;—to revere
    With soul, or grateful, or resign'd, the train
    Of mercies, and of trials, is to gain
    A quiet Conscience, best of blessings here!—
Calm Conscience is a land-encircled bay,
    On whose smooth surface Tempests never blow;
    Which shall the reflex of our life display
Unstain'd by crime, tho' gloom'd with transient woe;
    While the bright hopes of Heaven's eternal day
    Upon the fair and silent waters glow.

Anna Seward's other poems:
  1. Sonnet 87. Round Cleon's brow the Delphic laurels twine
  2. Sonnet 13. Thou child of Night, and Silence, balmy Sleep
  3. Sonnet 53. The knell of Whitehead tolls!—his cares are past
  4. Sonnet 15. The evening shines in May's luxuriant pride
  5. Sonnet 45. From Possibility's dim chaos sprung

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