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Anna Seward (Анна Сьюард)

Sonnet 4. And now the youthful, gay, capricious Spring


And now the youthful, gay, capricious Spring,
    Piercing her showery clouds with crystal light,
    And with their hues reflected streaking bright
    Her radiant bow, bids all her Warblers sing;
The Lark, shrill caroling on soaring wing;
    The lonely Thrush, in brake, with blossoms white,
    That tunes his pipe so loud; while, from the sight
    Coy bending their dropt heads, young Cowslips fling
Rich perfume o'er the fields.—It is the prime
    Of Hours that Beauty robes:—yet all they gild,
    Cheer, and delight in this their fragrant time,
For thy dear sake, to me less pleasure yield
    Than, veil'd in sleet, and rain, and hoary rime,
    Dim Winter's naked hedge and plashy field.

1: Afterwards Mrs. Edgeworth. 

May 1770

Anna Seward's other poems:
  1. Sonnet 45. From Possibility's dim chaos sprung
  2. Sonnet 13. Thou child of Night, and Silence, balmy Sleep
  3. Sonnet 53. The knell of Whitehead tolls!—his cares are past
  4. Sonnet 15. The evening shines in May's luxuriant pride
  5. Sonnet 87. Round Cleon's brow the Delphic laurels twine

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