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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Thomas Campbell (Томас Кэмпбелл)

The Harper

ON the green banks of Shannon, when Sheelah was nigh,
No blithe Irish lad was so happy as I;
No harp like my own could so cheerily play,
And wherever I went was my poor dog Tray.

When at last I was forced from my Sheelah to part,
She said (while the sorrow was big at her heart),
“O, remember your Sheelah when far, far away;
And be kind, my dear Pat, to our poor dog Tray.”

Poor dog! he was faithful and kind, to be sure,
And he constantly loved me, although I was poor;
When the sour-looking folks sent me heartless away,
I had always a friend in my poor dog Tray.

When the road was so dark, and the night was so cold,
And Pat and his dog were grown weary and old,
How snugly we slept in my old coat of gray,
And he licked me for kindness,—my poor dog Tray.

Though my wallet was scant, I remembered his case,
Nor refused my last crust to his pitiful face;
But he died at my feet on a cold winter day,
And I played a sad lament for my poor dog Tray.	

Where now shall I go, poor, forsaken, and blind?
Can I find one to guide me, so faithful and kind?
To my sweet native village, so far, far away,
I can nevermore return with my poor dog Tray.

Thomas Campbell's other poems:
  1. The Beech Tree's Petition
  2. Napoleon and the British Sailor
  3. Lines on the Camp Hill, near Hastings
  4. The Exile of Erin
  5. Gilderoy

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • James Riley (Джеймс Райли) The Harper ("LIKE a drift of faded blossoms")

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